Young founders competition

Building the next generation of disruptors

Young Founders Competition is an annual event centred around finding the best young talent across Africa.

Students will participate in a national project idea competition.

The winning teams will have the opportunity to join the Schule Z Innovators Fellowship in Morocco.


3 main challenges on 03 topics : 

  • Climate : November 6, 2024
  • Sustainable Energy : January 22, 2025
  • Innovation : December 8, 2024

National Competition & Gala Awards

Student from around each country will compete in this annual challenge, tackling 4 key categories :

  • Climate & Energy
  • Agriculture & Food Security
  • Health & Medicine
  • Disruptive innovation for SDGs

February 26th to March 19th, 2025

International competition & Gala Awards

14 Startups winners of National competition will compete in Morocco.In addition to the competition, they will participate in a Fellowship and build connections with like-minded peers from 7 countries.

April 14th to April 19th, 2025

Demo Day

The teams will demo and pitch their company to a judging panel formed by investors, CEOs, and technologists in front of a public audience eager to see what they’ve been working on during the program. Companies will be judged based on their product-market fit, market size, traction, and pitch.

Skills improvement

By tackling high-pressure challenges, students strengthen their communication skills, develop strategic thinking, and forge deep connections in both physical and online environments. This experience leaves them with lasting memories and a sharper mental edge.

The Schule Z’s experience is one of the most impactful things they can do as a teenager — starting and launching their own company.

Get involved

Together, we can create a powerful impact and inspires the next generation of changemakers.

Powering the Africa’s next generation of innovators & entrepreneurs

© 2024 · Schule Z Africa · by Entrepreneur Z

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