Workshops & Think10x

Bridging the Innovation Gap

Empowering high schoolers to solve tomorrow’s challenges through hands-on workshops in entrepreneurship and emerging tech.

Our intensive workshops equip high school students with the entrepreneurial mindset and emerging tech skills needed to tackle real-world challenges in critical areas like agriculture & food security, climate & energy, health and more.

Equipping the Next Generation: Workshops in Innovation for a Sustainable Future

Activity details


10 workshops : Students dive deep with 04 intensive entrepreneurship workshops and explore 06 workshops on 07 emerging technologies.


From October 9th to December 18th, 2024.


Classroom, virtual and out of class sessions.


Students will be equiped with the skills and experience to become innovators and entrepreneurs. They’ll gain valuable knowledge in:

  • Identifying real-world problems
  • Leveraging emerging technologies
  • Developing business acumen
  • Building and launching startups
  • Solving real problems
  • Stimulating the economy

Our model imagines a future in which everyone has the mindset and skills to think like an entrepreneur and to find disruptive life-changing solutions to real problems that can transform communities.





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Together, we can create a powerful impact and inspires the next generation of changemakers.

Powering the Africa’s next generation of innovators & entrepreneurs

© 2024 · Schule Z Africa · by Entrepreneur Z

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