We are your proven partner in preparing emerging entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders

Our partnerships are based on shared missions, identified goals and clearly defined deliverables.

Schule Z, the ideal partner

Schule Z is the ideal partner in developing educational programs, drawing upon our experience in engaging teachers, mentors and students in entrepreneurship and technology development by building community and business partnerships and linking together high schools, colleges and companies. 

Our key capabilities

Schule Z partners with forward-thinking corporations, foundations, associations, colleges, and universities. These partners share our commitment to developing future innovators and entrepreneurs. Our cohorts will thrive in the global economy, making valuable impact.

Why partner with us

Our powerful network of high schools and colleges both nationwide and internationally.

Our diverse, highly-motivated and successful student membership.

Our dedicated network of highly qualified teachers, mentors and experts.

Our organizational capabilities to facilitate, plan, design and implement partnerships.

Our demonstrated history of developing relevant, highly-successful programs and impact.

Our exceptional staff that is ready to support partnerships and programs.

A partnership tailored your specific needs

One of our core strengths is the ability to tailor partnerships to specific needs. While you review our offerings, keep in mind we can co-create an ideal collaboration that benefits both of our missions.

Connect with your desired target market

High school students

High school students seeking to explore technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, and business skills like management, marketing, and finance can join Schule Z cohorts conveniently offered at their schools.

  • 70  000 students in 2024/2025 Cohort

High school educators

High school classroom teachers play a vital role in supporting the Schule Z program at their schools, providing guidance and mentorship to students within the cohort. They also reveive trainings.

  • 2 800 Teachers involved in the next cohort

Mentors, experts and managers

Schule Z connects students with experienced managers from companies and NGOs, who contribute their real-world business knowledge to empower the program.

High valuable partners

Schule Z fosters a network of partnerships with companies, NGOs, universities, and other organizations, providing young innovators with well-rounded support.

Together, we can create more impact

Join the national advisory board

The National Advisory Board is comprised of over 50 corporations, foundations, universities and associations that provide recommendations, advice and support to the Schule Z Africa board of Directors, staff, advisors and chartered associations.

Affiliation is open to corporations and organizations that share Schule Z’s commitment to preparing emerging entrepreneurs, innovations and leaders with an annual minimum investment of $5,000.



Choose your partnership type

Competitions events

Promotes entrepreneurship and emerging technology. Motivate Schule Z students to learn valuable 21st Century skills as well as entrepreneurship and technology-validated knowledge and skills.

$5, 000 per national competition

Thematic Challenges

Enlist the creativity and innovation of Schule Z students to help your company or organization solve a problem or promote a cause by developing a unique, specific challenge.

$3, 000 per national competition

Workshops and inspirations sessions

Partner with Schule Z to provide realistic, practical learning and inspirations sessions to Schule Z students.

Cost varies

Scholarship program

Demonstrate your commitment to continuing education. Directly support Schule Z students with the opportunity to learn, grow and develop in their chosen career fields by providing a donation to Schule Z’s merit-based scholarship fund.

$2, 000 minimum investment

Gala and meal functions

Be the premiere sponsor of a meal function or refreshment break during a activities.

$5,000-$20,000 (depending of your implication level)

Communicate Your products

Collaborate with Schule Z to create an integrated communications strategy for your company or organization to:

Promote your product(s) to an influential teen market with discretionary, spendable income.

Recruit academically prepared students to your college, university, academic program or company.

Advertise to high schools nationally and internationally.

Join our partners already involved


Institutional partners

Major contributors

Medias partners

Want to be involved in SCHULE Z ?

Let's get in touch

Fill in this form or send us an e-mail with your inquiry.